Picky? you would really prefer a tiny little feature, that can already be done in FPSC with a 3rd party program, over performance? That is just sickening IMO. Sure it may be for fun for some, but some want to make a game of commercial quality. Looking at FPSC as a means of entertainment is really strange to me, the buggy-ness, and performance problems are quite a block if you want fun IMHO. And what good would re-coding the engine do, may I ask? Maybe I could add new features, but lee would have already made as many reasonable tweaks as possible. I'm just suggesting that more time should be given to performance than to features, how many copies of Half-life would have been sold if it had system specs like X10? And I doubt X10 can make a game even close to half-life. No need to bite my head off, especially when my suggestion is just as reasonable as yours, if not more?