Scifi is a great theme but!...
When making scifi segments its then the only thing to make it
blink out of the original scifi is to make the meshes custom.
And make every type of mesh (wall), or floor.
But then the problem is...entities?
I know there are lots of stock ones that comes along with FPSC.
But it seems that when people use stock entities, that all of a sudden
the game doesnt look that good anymore...
So i would say...if you go for the scifi theme the best thing to
do is....also release some entities with it.
Also a outdoor pack is much wanted....or at least i think so.
But i dont mean terrains etc...i mean city\urban themes.
Like different buildings and other stuff...
But in the end i think the best thing to do for making a pack is...
Mix it with entities so...
Segments & Entities.
That way you have a higher chance of people that want that pack.
Since they dont have to look on the forums for entities that can go
along with the segments.
Cheese Cake.