I've looked at both, I think one reason why FL is more popular is price. Though I was hoping Milkshape cheap so I can buy it with my student loan, but FL: Studio will do once I finally pick up a job, unfortunately it seems nobody in Derby wants Student part time workers.
I've tried the demo before and it looks good, might be worth a purchase...but a new laptop, C4D 10 (student version, so I will be getting it dirt cheap - £70...man being a student rules) and Zbrush 3 are my priorities to my suite.
Cheers for the suggestions though...if I can get Reason cheaper as a student, I might look into it, but the way things are going I might just get a mac which means I get Garageband. Anyway, we'll see, I am a bloke, therefore indecisive.
I love Nancy DrewG, but not insert brain here