Greetings and well met well i think the tittle said it all by itself i been searching i swear >< hehe but all i find are unfinished or too complicated tutorials keep on mind that i just got dbp a week ago and if you put me someting like this for example...
function AddPlatform()
inc PlatformCount
array insert at bottom Platform()
ID = PlatformCount
Platform(ID).ParPointer = AddFuncPar(FUNC_DEFAULT_PAR_COUNT)
endfunction ID
function AddFuncPar(Count as integer)
Pos = FreeFuncPars(Count)
if Pos = 0 `<- does not exist -> create new
inc FuncParCount, Count
array insert at bottom FuncPar(), Count
ID = FuncParCount
for f = ID to ID+Count-1
FuncPar(f).exist = 1
next f
else `<- array element exists -> reuse it
ID = pos
for f = ID to ID+Count-1
FuncPar(f).exist = 1
next f
endfunction ID
function FreeFuncPars(Count)
Max = FuncParCount-Count+1
for f = 1 to Max
exist = 0
for f2 = f to trg
if FuncPar(f2).exist=1 then exist=1 : exit
next f2
if exist=0 then exitfunction f
next f
endfunction 0
function AddSwitch()
inc SwitchCount
array insert at bottom Switch()
ID = SwitchCount
Switch(ID).ParPointer = AddFuncPar(FUNC_DEFAULT_PAR_COUNT)
endfunction ID
function AddZone()
inc ZoneCount
array insert at bottom Zone()
ID = ZoneCount
Zone(ID).ParPointer = AddFuncPar(FUNC_DEFAULT_PAR_COUNT)
endfunction ID
function DeleteFuncPar(ID)
FuncPar(ID).exist = 0
wich might be a simple thing for you i am not going to understand that much i don't have someone that teach coding over here either the book i have from "programming with darkbasic" really help because it is old and most codes are outdated i been searching for other darkbasic pro books but then again no exit... so i realized that the only way for me to learn was with tutorials but as i mentioned before some are outdated, others are unfinished :/ and so on... so your guys know any tutorial that isn't that old, is finished and easy to understand like for example the one created by "Xenocythe" that one really helped me understand some things
P.S. it would be better for me and probably for any other person reading it, that the tutorial have a explanation of how the command itself work without going so long and then at the end of the explanation the whole code to shown it in action if you do know tutorials like this would be nice if you post them here meanwhile i will keep searching for more
thanks for taking your time and read this -Mhitandyr
no one was born with knowledge and even thoses that seek it must learn from someone ask if needed if you are the one answering be kind remember when someone was teaching you