I've been going nuts over the past two weeks because blue gui worked in some of my programs but not in others. I've been writeing small programs just to test things. Now I've discovered the reason. gui.dba must be includded but since I've updaterad I now have it in two different flavors. 2004 and 2006 version. The 2006 version dosn't work right with menu clicks. The two different versions are att to different places on my computer I sometime included the one and sometimes the other, thinking they were both the same.
Has anyone else had this problem?
2004 version
#constant MENU_CLICK 0x111
2006 version
`old value - #constant MENU_CLICK 0x111
#constant MENU_CLICK 0x0400+1
Anyone know the reason for the change and what it was suppost to do?????
May the sun shine on the soles of your feet.