I decided to rewrite a MP space shooter sim i've been working on, and I seem to be having a problem. I can't see my ship, the camera moves, etc...but the ship does not show up. I tested it by loading a ship other than my player ship, and it can be seen by the camera which tells me it isn't the model, but the ship i'm trying to control just isn't there. I placed the model in my old script, it works just fine, just not in this one. I've racked my brain on this one for two days, any suggestions anyone? Keep in mind, i remmed out alot of stuff and striped it down to help me in the trouble shooting process...I also replaced the gosubs with the actual code in order, thinking that might have something to do with it, but it don't appear to. The object i just can't see is labeled OURID.
`set display mode 1024,768,16
`gosub globals
`Constants --------------------------------
#constant MAXPLAYERS 8
#constant SENDGAP 100
`Types ------------------------------------
type playerstates
keyup as boolean
keydown as boolean
`Data -------------------------------------
global condition$ as string
global conditionstatus$ as string
global OURID as integer
global LASTSENT as integer
global PLAYER_ANGLE_Y as float
global imhit as integer
global die as integer
global plyr_turn#
global plyr_bank#
global plyr_tilt#
global xfire as float
global yfire as float
global zfire as float
dim playerdata(MAXPLAYERS) as playerstates
`gosub mode
`gosub viewships
`close data file 1
`gosub display
set display mode 1024,768,16
autocam off
hide mouse
sync on
sync rate 60
backdrop on
`gosub map
set camera range 2.5,50000
load object "Maps/cielo/cielo.x",666
`position object 666,256,30,0
set object texture 666,2,1
set object light 666,0
set object cull 666,0
yrotate object 666,270
scale object 666,95000,95000,95000
set object collision off 666
`gosub lights
set ambient light 1
make light 1
position light 1,0,0,0
color light 1,255,0,0
set light range 1,600000
make light 2
position light 2,40000,0,40000
color light 2,255,255,255
set light range 2,300000
make light 3
color light 3,255,255,255
set light range 3,10000
set normalization on
`gosub speed
speed# = 0
speed_max# = 12
speed_min# = 0
speed_chg# = 0.1
plyr_bank# = 0
plyr_turn# = 0
`gosub loadplayer
make object cone 10,25
position object 10,50000,10000,50000
xrotate object 10,90
fix object pivot 10
hide object 10
`load player
load object "Ships/Enforcer/fighter1.3ds", OURID
rem load object "Ships/"+shipname$+"/"+model$,OURID
`if textured$<>"1"
`load image "Ships/Enforcer/cinfa.jpg", OURID
rem load image "Ships/"+shipname$+"/"+texture$,OURID
`texture object OURID, OURID
xrotate object OURID,-90
scale object OURID,400,400,400
position object OURID, 50000, 10000, 50000
glue object to limb OURID, 10, 0
load image "Ships/spheremap.jpg",15
set sphere mapping on OURID,15
`gosub loadlevel
`gosub whosonline
mx# = mousemovex()
my# = mousemovey()
mz# = mousemovez()
px# = object position x(10)
py# = object position y(10)
pz# = object position z(10)
text 0,80, "Position: X: "+str$(int(px#))+" Y: "+str$(int(py#))+" Z: "+str$(int(pz#))
`gosub getposition
`gosub speedcontrol
if shiftkey()=1 then inc speed#,speed_chg#
if controlkey()=1 then dec speed#,speed_chg#
if speed# > speed_max# then speed# = speed_max#
if speed# < speed_min# then speed# = speed_min#
move object 10,speed#
`gosub navigation
if leftkey()=1 then plyr_turn# = curvevalue(-2, plyr_turn#, 10)
if rightkey()=1 then plyr_turn# = curvevalue(2, plyr_turn#, 10)
if mx# = 0 then plyr_turn# = curvevalue(0, plyr_turn#, 10)
yrotate object 10,wrapvalue(object angle y(10)+plyr_turn#)
if upkey()=1 then plyr_tilt# = curvevalue(1, plyr_tilt#, 20)
if downkey()=1 then plyr_tilt# = curvevalue(-1, plyr_tilt#, 20)
if my# = 0 then plyr_tilt# = curvevalue(0, plyr_tilt#, 10)
xrotate object 10,wrapvalue(object angle x(10)+plyr_tilt#)
`SMOOTH BANKING default 50
if leftkey()=1 then plyr_bank# = curvevalue(50, plyr_bank#, 25)
if rightkey()=1 then plyr_bank# = curvevalue(-50, plyr_bank#, 25)
if mx# = 0 then plyr_bank# = curvevalue(0, plyr_bank#, 25)
yrotate object OURID,plyr_bank#
`gosub setcamera
if keystate(46) = 1 then inc camera_style : wait 100
if camera_style > 3 then camera_style = 1
if camera_style = 1
set camera to object orientation 10
position camera px#, py#+50, pz#
rem default -100
move camera -100
`2 - 3/4 FRONT
if camera_style = 2
set camera to object orientation 10
position camera px#+100, py#+25, pz#
move camera 100
point camera px#, py#, pz#
if camera_style = 3
position camera px#, py#+300, pz#
point camera px#, py#, pz#
`gosub skyboxpos
position object 666,camera position x(),camera position y(),camera position z()