Is that why we still have games about WWII, BVG?
We only want to look at our side of the story? How the heroic Americans destroyed the ultimate evil, the German Nazis? What if someone were to make a game where you play as a Nazi soldier and had to fend off American troops? Would that be too racist? To say that the Americans are the target in a videogame? What happened to freedom of speech, the ability to speak your mind and see things the way you want to see them without anyone impeding upon your own pursuit of happiness?
And btw, my sig is a pun, I'm getting at how people who are wanting to do things with the source code are practically being seen by everyone as Nazis or "whiners" that won't shut up about their own ideals. It's not like I'm gonna go enslave a bunch of mods, make them wear a "TGC" badge on their shoulders, and torture them until everyone sees things my way. Geez
Back on track, the problem has been solved, somebody can lock this down if they want to.
The one and only,