Well Ill try to introduce you to the system
Its a wargame boardgame simulator , and has No Artificial Inteligence! you play by your boardgames rules like you would if you had a boardgame infront of you.
Now you need a map board.bmp make one or whatever in paint. you then need counters(chits) make them scan them download them whaever in paint flippedcounters.bmp gamecounters.bmp bigcounters.bmp flippedbigcounters.bmp.
now put them into the user directory of avalomhilly and startit up, You realy need a little savy , as it is a wargame sim! if you cant figure out the grid called gamecounters isnt self-explanatory well it will all probably be a bit hard for you!
no screenshots to speak of as its a host , that means all the screenshots would be of the boardgames you would be making yourself. there is 2 modules to look at with the download link.
anyway your missing-out on a gem of a prgram if you dont download it! all download links tested but you should look at this sites download(first post) link as its current.
if you have anything you need to know Im here to answer questions, so getit now!
MAIN PROGRAM http://www.thewargamer.com/grognard/avalompro.zip GAME MODULES http://www.thewargamer.com/grognard/avittybitty.zip http://www.thewargamer.com/grognard/avalamo.zip