[ c o d e ] rem Objects 101 to 200
load object "Models\PzKwIIIm\OriginalPIII_TL.x",ob101
rem positon it before physic's takes over so we can glue stuff to it
position object ob101,d#,e#,f#
`################add turret################################
rem add the turret by making a limb and glueing it to the limb
load object "Models\PzKwIIIm\Turret_test_P3.x",600
make object box 102,1,1,1
make mesh from object 310,102
delete object 102
perform checklist for object limbs ob101
turretBone = checklist quantity()
rem now we can remeber what bone the turret is attached to
add limb ob101,turretBone,310
link limb ob101,1,turretBone
offset limb ob101,turretBone,0,6,4
position object 600,0,-6,0
glue object to limb 600,ob101,turretBone
rem Here we build the physic mesh and add what material it is
phy make rigid body dynamic convex ob101,b[ / c o d e ]
May the sun shine on the soles of your feet.