I have been working on a game for a couple of weeks now. As you have probably guessed from the title, it revolves around computer hacking. I am attempting to make a console-based hacking simulator (no 3D graphics...shock, horror !
I know this has been done a few times by other people, namely Introversion and their enjoyable game 'Uplink' as well as others. Now, I am by no means a computer expert (i'm a medical student by profession) nor have I ever really done much hacking myself.
Why the hell am I doing this then?!!!!
I like a challenge. Also, I really like the idea of hacking....especially as a game where no harm can be done. The problem is, I want to make this as realistic as I can. Obviously, Uplink is nothing like real hacking....sure the principles are there....getting usernames, passwords, disabling proxies, monitors, etc but it doesn't seem realistic enough. Couple this and the MANY ideas I have got tucked under my sleeve and I think it will be a great game.
This is where I need you guys....I am sure that there is a huge amount of collective knowledge regarding computers on these very forums. I want to get this right. I especially need commands to be included, principles explained, best ways to code things like servers into the game, etc. Currently, I have a skeleton program with the console working, text scrolling, a few basic commands (cd, cls, delete, make, exit, help) so I still have a long way to go.
The 'operating system' the console uses is loosely based on DOS but with a few changes to keep the microsoft wolves from the doors
Where should I go from here? For instance, I need a list of commands that I MUST include. Then I need help as to how to begin writing servers, etc because i'm a little lost.
Many thanks in advance guys,
Life is like a penis:
When it's soft you can't beat it, when it's hard you get screwed.