I want to make a last man standing map.
the player roams around the map killing enemies, the level will have a steady flow of enemies, so dead enemies will be replaced, game over is when a certain amount of enemies has been killed.
If I am spawning enemies, I dont want to see them being spawned, ie coming to life or apearing out of the air.
I also want the game to run at maxium frames, I dont want it chugging at 20 frames and below, I want to keep the game running. Im not sure if enemies will run around the map looking for you as Im not sure if that will slow it down, I want this to be playable, the game has no objectives other than run around a small map and kill the bad guys, not kill them and they are gone, no, their is always the same amount, or near enough of bad guys to shoot.
What is the best way to do this, I want to have this be playable, so I ask your advice on how we can keep the map with enemies, but keep the frames so the game can be played.