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FPSC Classic Scripts / Valve's Portal done in FPSC! - REALLY!

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Posted: 23rd Nov 2007 03:18
Through endless wondering, I have devised a somewhat crude, but Ingenious way to emmulate Valve's Portal in FPSC.

First, you model invisible entities along the walls and floors.

Then, you give them a script so that when they are destroyed, a teleporter spawns next to it. - WIP

Then, have a teleporter spawn.

Simple. However, I just need to redo the script because it is very crude and doesn't wrk all of the time.

Anyhow, it works, but I need to spawn an IN amd an OUT at different times. Therefore, I thought that you guys could help me script a little. I'm a noob at it. You could have a portal In Caster (gun with five dammage) and a portal out caster (gun with fifty dammage.) Therefore, in the script, a different dammage ammount to the entity would trigger a different portal to spawn.

Please coment.

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Disturbing 13
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Posted: 23rd Nov 2007 15:26
Not bad, not a bad idea at all.

Cheese Cake
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Posted: 23rd Nov 2007 18:12
Great idea!

Now all we need is a sort of reflective shader...

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Posted: 23rd Nov 2007 18:12

Now lets see a game made out of it =]

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Posted: 23rd Nov 2007 18:40
Thanks a lot guys. I should be posting a video soon.

The only hard part would be applying the portals to every segment. I suppose you could use segment editor to create a portal segment, then just change the name of the portal. Thisway, all of the portals don't spawn at once.

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Posted: 23rd Nov 2007 18:42
as for the reflective shader, you might have to edit the source code. I mean, can it be done without DBPro? I think TCG has a shader pack for sale, but I don't know if it supports FPSC.

Video comming very soon.

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Posted: 23rd Nov 2007 19:03
sorry guys, but for some reason, my video is only 2.7 MB, and it still won;t let me upload it.

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fallen one
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Posted: 23rd Nov 2007 20:05
for those that havnt seen Valve's Portal what does this do.

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Posted: 23rd Nov 2007 20:17
heres a flash version of it:

just take that and make it a fps game =]

Seth Black
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Posted: 23rd Nov 2007 21:29
...that's pretty cool. Dunno if FPSC can handle it completely, though.

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Posted: 23rd Nov 2007 21:39
Quote: " Dunno if FPSC can handle it completely"

No, it needs 3 cameras (1 main and 2 additional, for portals) and I think FPSC has only 1.

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Posted: 23rd Nov 2007 22:01
yes. That is the only problem: establishing a visual link with the portals. but besides that, it could work. I've made a test level and it works fine, no fps lag or anything. I'll keep tyring to upload the video of the demo I made. Please try it yourself if you have time. There is major need for improvement.

Thanks again,


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Posted: 23rd Nov 2007 23:44
Quote: "The only hard part would be applying the portals to every segment. I suppose you could use segment editor to create a portal segment, then just change the name of the portal. Thisway, all of the portals don't spawn at once."

That's doable. I'll look into it. A reflective shader is not possible, but you could download the ultimate shader pack, and find a funky one that doesn't need any variables changed via DBpro (like the hologram one) and that should work.

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Posted: 24th Nov 2007 02:27
thanks butters, but does fpsc support it without editing its source?

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Posted: 24th Nov 2007 04:51
I just looked at the Vid... This is nice. But, I can't understand how to use it... But, still, it's really good.

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Posted: 24th Nov 2007 05:49 Edited at: 24th Nov 2007 05:52
I dont think it would work as well as wanted, at least not exactly now that I see the flash demo, but a puzzler useing something like this method wouldnt be too hard. But still impressive none the less.

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Posted: 24th Nov 2007 14:08
If you pull this off it would make an excellent game.....
Now if only we could get a companion cube...

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Posted: 24th Nov 2007 16:14
I've necer even thought of it. can teleports be re-scripted to move other entities aw well. If so, then it could work.

This is possible, but i have found another problem. Ubles you want to have a hundred different segments in a room for each portal, then you could name each surface in the game with one portal. This could be a decal or something. This way, there would be less work to do. By the way, I have refined the way this rorks.

Shoot a wall - portal appears. (teleporter OUt in red.)

shoot the portal again- portal out destroyed and spawns a Thelport in. simple. The concept is easy, but it will unfortunatly be a lot of work to get this to work. I have "coated" a room with them, and that seems to work fine. After two portals, though, the engine can't decide the right one to pick.

More info to come. Thanks

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Posted: 24th Nov 2007 16:19
My previous message may come a tad bit ebrasive. Sorry. If I discouraged anyone - please come back and help me.

I forgot to take into account the probable actions of the player.

Just put the portals where the player needs to shoot them. If they are "Thinking with portals" then there is no heed to have them everywhere - only where needed. also, since there is plot and direction in each level. , the teleports could have different names and IF USED properties to enable many portals within the game.

See, problem solved. I have the room built, and now, there is really no need for physical improvements except for the look of the portals themselves.

this is a stupid question, buy should I post this in the Models and media board? Mods, please comment too. trhanks a lot guys.


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Posted: 24th Nov 2007 16:34
I just got yhe now FREE DEACL MAKER 6 and will try to make a portal decal to spawn with the now invisible teleport for a better effect. In case you guys are confused, I will post a helpful diagram describing the propertoes of each entity and other notes.


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Posted: 24th Nov 2007 17:26
here is the diagram.

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Posted: 24th Nov 2007 17:28
AAAh. there are so many options with Particle Illusion. does anyone have any suggentions as to how the portals should look? I want this thing to be perfect.

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Seth Black
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Posted: 24th Nov 2007 20:09
...since you're using Decal Maker 6, and can create an animated decal, I'd suggest creating a slightly swirling conic vortex. Imagine looking from the wide end of a cone, where the tapered end gyrates slowly...

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Posted: 24th Nov 2007 20:37
Quote: "I'd suggest creating a slightly swirling conic vortex. Imagine looking from the wide end of a cone"

Or perhaps a simple circle thatuses the same wall Tex as the ones in the room,(Et Voila, player appears to be looking through portal at another wall.)

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Posted: 24th Nov 2007 21:07
that would work. we could trick the player into thinking that there was a visual link because, unless the portals were across from each other, you would only see a room.

there would have to be a lot of custom textures, though, but that is a great idea. thanks.

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Posted: 25th Nov 2007 19:58
wait... if you only made portals where the player needed them, how would the room with the gap in the middle work? the player would need to shoot and shoot until they found the right place where the portals are. Unless you mean cover this wall with places you can make a portal, but don't cover this one because it's under water, etc...
PS: I wonder if momentum will be carried between the two portals? "in lamens terms, speedy things go in, speedy things come out."

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Posted: 25th Nov 2007 20:01
I don't need lamens terms. Thank you. The engine soesn' support the type of physics needed to carry momentum and direction through the portals. As to your firet question. Yes. I would only put portals, fur example, on and around the areas where the player had to shoot in order to reach the objective. ie. a ledge that must be reached.

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Posted: 25th Nov 2007 20:16
Nice idea, I'll take a look at this also, after the competition is over.

Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 25th Nov 2007 20:17
I don't know much about FPSC, but reading some of the comments it seems you might have some camera problems, but if you can work around that then great...otherwise you might need to edit the source code in DBP.

I almost got something like this work in DBP(had a minor problem I didn't stick at long enough to fix) if how I did it helps you with any coding changes.

I required multiple cameras, one would be the main one, and other other ones would be the portal ones. Now I textured the 'portal' object with camera 2. Camera 2 had the exact orientation as camera 1.

As the object collided with the portal, it would teleport it to the other point and the portal there would show camera 3 - of course all of the camera would keep the same y-axis and would place themselves relative to the positions of the portals.

The problem I had was my player camera rotated around the player which meant trying to get the other cameras to do the same thing...Luckily you won't run into that problem.

If that helps (I've not read the whole thread or downloaded anything, but I thought I'd put in my input whether or not it's useful)

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Posted: 25th Nov 2007 23:33
@ Seppuku:

I was thinking about doing the same exact thing with DBP.

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Posted: 25th Nov 2007 23:53
AWESOME! That is sweet! I really don't think you need to be able to see out the other end of the portal matrix, but that's just me. Anyway, that is awesome!


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Posted: 26th Nov 2007 00:01
Hybrid send an e-mail to me at btw great work

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Posted: 26th Nov 2007 00:46
unless anyone wants to find the code out of ten-thousand lines, edit, and recompile the game engine, then there can be no multiple cameras in FPSC. hovever, I still think that texturing the portals with the other one's view is possible and would have the best look in FPsC without scripting.

thanks for the imput.

Sorry, my mommy always told me to never e-mail to people in forums that I have never heard of before. - no offense.

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Posted: 27th Nov 2007 01:53
Ok well im gana make u a portal gun anyway

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Posted: 28th Nov 2007 02:30
thanks. I was just going to retexture the blaster with a white texture. It rould look somewhate the same to the real portal gun. (no copyright intended.) thanks a lot. I thought the forum was locked since no one was bothering to post anymore.

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Posted: 28th Nov 2007 20:02
Nah, We're just waiting for a playable demo =]

Gotta see it to believe it =]

A vid would be good too!

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Posted: 28th Nov 2007 21:20
There is a vid. Look up at the download he made. Its kwl and real!

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Posted: 28th Nov 2007 21:40
There is a video...

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Posted: 29th Nov 2007 02:38
Quote: "foxking.
There is a video..."

Just see image. It speaks for it self.



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Posted: 29th Nov 2007 05:11
I would just like to state this and only state this one time:

This has been done in DBP before using a single shader. The DBP community all worked on their own versions of it before Portal even came out.

With that said... perhaps you could go dig up this shader from the DBP community and perhaps implement it into FPSC.

Mind you, there are more likely other things done in the program to make it work and look correct, so it would be wise to attempt this after the newest source code comes out just in case some additional coding is needed.

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Posted: 30th Nov 2007 20:38
i think this is a brave step forward nonetheless, plystire.......

here we are...we can't have too many enemies, we can't have too large enemies, we can't have a quadruped......

but we darn well shall have a (basic) portal game!

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Posted: 30th Nov 2007 23:14
Okay, I;ll make a guick demo. However, I don't want to edit the source code in fpsc. It would take forever wor what I am doing. I'll make a small demo soon. Very small.

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Posted: 5th Dec 2007 12:35
Don't give up on this one just because you can't get a reflective portal, the player character isn't rendered in the engine so it would be pointless.

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Posted: 6th Dec 2007 00:35
Ugh, just give it a cubemap with a nice texture.

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Posted: 6th Dec 2007 15:10
Yeah, it doesnt have to be a reflection or such...
But just a shader that will make it look less..."static"...

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Posted: 7th Dec 2007 00:43 Edited at: 7th Dec 2007 00:51
However you do this its a good job so far.Great stuff

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Posted: 8th Dec 2007 11:22
looking forward to seeing this in a demo.....

Alpha skull
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Posted: 9th Dec 2007 00:11
Hey man. I like, a really big fan of P()rtal and I wasd wondering if you could please post and example of how to do this cause I would like to be able to do this.


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Posted: 9th Dec 2007 22:19
sorry I have been awy so long. the demo is very difficult to make because there would have to be multiple IF USED Targets to make this work and I don't know if this is supported in FPSC if it is, this will work, but will be time consuming. If not, then the project will have to be scrapped.

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Posted: 11th Dec 2007 07:41 Edited at: 11th Dec 2007 07:42
Quote: "unless anyone wants to find the code out of ten-thousand lines, edit, and recompile the game engine, then there can be no multiple cameras in FPSC."
Been there. Done that. Might want to check out the mod i made that is non usuable because of the source being outdated, but i did get 2 cameras in fpsc. 2. If 2 is possible then 3 should be easy. Oh and McSteamy, I don't see why you are wanting to put so much effort into making a game that has been done already.

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