A good way to sell your game is through games portals, but the file sizes need to be small, now fpsc games without lightmaps are not that big, but, and here's the big but, they become massive when one uses lightmaps, why, because fpsc uses a texture over every surface in the game, so if you have a 1000 segments in a level, guess what fpsc has 1000 dds files for the shadows, that makes a massive file, if fpsc supported gifs one could use very low rez gifs to get some basic shadows in the game, just make it stylised and you are OK, only it doesn't support gifs only those massive dds files, you can make them smaller by opening them in a paint/image prog and compressing them down some, that knocks some size off, but still to big, you can get them down from 300k to 100k per image, if it supported gif's, you could go down to a few k, like just have a 2 or 3/4/5 colour image, it would only be a few k in size.
What can we do, is there anything at all, its a damn pain how fpsc uses textures to light the map, wouldn't be so bad if it could output to something smaller than dds, I'm sure it wouldn't be so hard for TGC to support gif files. At the moment I don't see how we can sell games to the casual gamer over portals with fpsc, which is a shame as for that market is a good step to take.
Any ideas on what we can do to get some shadow in a game without having huge file sizes?