Here is my review after working with the new engine for a week...
This is key as this engine is for the most advance to the beginners. Having it for 12+ was a great idea as the Ragdoll Patch fixes that for the ones who want the good deaths and blood. Setup just like the old engine so you know where everything is already so you can just start creating.
Game Play
What can I say. I am running the game over 300 FPS and having 20-50 enemies in a room with ease. We build this computer around this game engine and have not reached FPS10 full potential yet. The surroundings are great and one that takes time creating and adding custom content, video, music and scripts will have a game that runs smooth for commercial use or just with your friends.
50 Enemies in a room, is it really true?
It is true. I did it 2 ways. 25 Enemies/25 Allies and all 50 Enemies and let me tell you something... Ran at 200 FPS during the whole battle... The most fun I have ever had in one of my own games.
This game engine is a must have for anyone who wanted to create a game. Starting from the beginner all the way up to the most advance, you can create the must realistic looking game on the market today. If you do not have FPSX10 get it today and build you new computer to run the engine and you will not regret it.
TJ Killers