Thank you very much s600cam for your assistance, although I don't know if that'll do what I'm requesting.
I may have just asked the question incorrectly, but I need the camera to look more towards the sky (upwards) or more towards the ground (downwards) depending on its immediate slope, and the direction the camera is facing. When I said vertically, I might have given the wrong idea and perhaps you (or others) thought I meant what you gave me the code for. I'm at a school computer at this very moment so I can't check the code, but in any case, thanks for your help; if you, or anyone else knows the solution to this, then please reply with it.
Thanks again for your help
Now, me and a couple friends have an idea for a Solitaire game, so -- this is just a side question but -- if anyone knows how to detect if images are touching each other, or how to create a sort of drag-and-drop scenario, I'd like to know
New to Dark GDK, but it looks pwnage