Hey Guys, this is my first actualy wIP here, but Ive been working on this for a little while now, whenever Im not busy.
Im working on a sort of FPS engine. Its coming along quite nicely and I am pleased with what works
(There is also a lot of things that dont work >.>
I went ahead first and made a simple level editor that you can:
*import a .x file as a base level
*place objects
-player start
-win zone(scaleable)
*save all that into a *.dkf file
It doesnt have a GUI, I just wanted something that I could make levels, so I didnt have to code an entire level
When I
hopefully release this in the far future,the level editor will probably do much more, like lights and light range, and all that jazz.
But it works, and so does the actual games file parsing.
The actual game has an array of levels(one test level as of now). After I code further the game will just go through the levels in the array.
Im using Sparkys collision for my collision and bullet raycasting(fun stuff
Right now, the enemys follow you and then when they get in a certain distance, they harm you. Evenytually they will be actual people and shoot at you
Im gonna try to make this not just run and gun, but add things so the user actually has solve things. Not actual puzzles; lets just say an intiguing story line (that I havent figured out yet)
AS of right now there is no storyline, because I want to get an engine down first, then the game can actually start to evolve.
Level that came with DeleD Lite and I just exported it to .X and put it through my level editor.
In-game shot
The editor:
-The green box is player start
-Red is enemy
-Pink are selected enemies(you can move multiple enemies by selecting them : right mouse button)
-Yellow box is winzone
Here is an example *.dkf file looks like:
//Comment,Begin of File and Map Name
//Player Start (Object Number,X,Y,Z)
//Winzone (Object Number,X,Y,Z,xsize,ysize,zsize)
enemy={5,-256.773925781,140.475067139,998.599609375 :: 6,-299.389343262,161.280548096,866.247192383 :: 7,-276.929382324,222.161010742,671.795410156 :: }
//End of file
I may post a video of the engine sometime, hopefully.
I was weary of posting this, but I wanted to know what people thought. Ive been working hard on this. So any comments or critques? They are appreciated.