Added getting arrested, jail handling, lawyer hiring for high reputation and balanced jailtime according to crime, reputation and similar. Also created a simple function to set up battles against the now fully functional computer combat AI - which was too good and has been dumbed down according to reputation (ie they get smarter as you get further in the game).
I've decided to not yet do a video of combat. I guess that until I've got some nice models for the gangsters, it would only be slightly confusing. I'm also integrating the sound effects for the combat - ie authentic gunshots and punch/slash sounds.
I think except for some buildings and some modifications to combat to do multiplayer, the menu screen that allows you to select your option for the current turn (Stats, Combat, Vendetta), revamped notification screens, and some revamped models to replace the current placeholders,
Organized Crime is done.
A final update is that I've decided, in cooperation with MISoft Studios, to possibly
release the game under MISofts flag for that little extra bit of visibility and aid in modelling. Of course, if I find another capable modeler to do me some stuff that would animate in DBC, I would be very interested in your services (although unpaid for - I can only offer credits and a place on my MSN list, lol).
The models I'm looking for are the buildings, a gangster with a white and a black texture, a cop, a normal man and a child - the humans would have to have a limb on the hand to which I can connect a weapon (actually, I'd prefer if it would be one or two models with textures instead of all different models), and they need to have a walking, melee, gunfire and death animation... It's a lot, and I've discussed with Matt some help from MISoft, that is, unless I get someone else because MISoft has a lot of their own stuff...
I might also have Gil, Ian or Thomas independently and honestly review it for the Untitled before which it is released.
I think March or April would be a realistic estimate for the release of this, in my humble opinion, pretty entertaining multiplayer title
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