If I tried to compile that code with ZK's tool, it would work. So its not your code.
Heres an example of a message box function from netlib:
Public Function gen_MsgBox(ByVal Title As String, _
ByVal Message As String, _
ByVal Style As Integer) As Integer
'//shows a standard message box with the supplied title,message,and style
'//returns standard return values
Dim iRet As Integer
Dim mbStyle As New MsgBoxStyle
mbStyle = CType(Style, MsgBoxStyle)
iRet = MsgBox(Message, mbStyle, Title)
Return iRet
End Function
it uses the old holdover Msgbox, instead of Messagebox.Show for some reason (written in 2004)
regarding forms in a dll, you need not inherit them in the class. I guess I was thinking of something else. The forms in netlib are called like any winform would be in any winforms app, via an instance object.
look for ZKAT8IT's converter by searching these forums, and I know he is usually on the dbp irc channel.
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