Ok, I'm sorting your suggestions so that I may deal with them appropriately. Thanks a lot for the input; I hope to have a new version completed soon that addresses these issues:
1) Slow levels, especially "Where Stars are Born" - I'm not sure exactly what I can do to fix this. If I could compile in DBP, which I don't have, it would be a lot smoother. Maybe I can take out some extraneous blocks...
2) Fading out the explosion rings - I don't think I can fade them out, as this is DB and doesn't fade ghosted objects well. I could however animate the rings as sprites so that they could fade out (and have a neat little animation as well).
3) Loading screen. Definately! I had one earlier, but I took it out because it used DB sprites which tended to crash the game at times. DB sprites are really terrible things... But I will correct this with my own method asap!
4) Too fast? It is supposed to be this fast. However, you could try going to the Settings and turning the game accuracy all the way up, then increasing the max viewable distance.
5) Track difficulty - I'll do what I can to make the track difficulty curve not so steep. I may even implement checkpoints in the next release.
6) Level restarting lag - Don't know. I don't have any lag on this 800MHz CPU, but then again I have a GeForce4 mx440. Or are you talking about before the level actually restarts when it fades to black? Not much I can do about lag here: SET GAMMA is a very slow function.
7) What's my level format? I'm using Ogg/DivX encoded AVIs with chocolate sprinkles, then converted to rabid llama format. My format is quite proprietary and will probably even vary in a later release of the game. I will release my custom map editor soon though.
8) Music jerk - I don't think I can fix this. This happens with all DB programs. Maybe using MOD music (which I hope to do someday anyhow) will help?
9) Power ring slowdown - I also don't think I can fix this without compiling in DBP, which I don't have. I don't have this problem though, nor do many of those who have playtested.
10) Slow menu after playing some levels - Sometimes this happens for me too. I really have no idea why, for my code is really quite clean. I think DB may have several memory leaks. After loading oodles of objects and then deleting them several times as you go through different levels, there is probably some terrible slow leak.
Thanks everybody for the input so far! I'll do my best with these issues.