I'm glad you were able to check it out... but simple it wasn't! Tutorial - is asking a bit much BUT there is a DarkBasic Loader on their Web site under TED->Downloads. I had to do ALOT of reverse engineering to start really getting it - as well as searching the TED forums for hints etc.. Like what certain Blitz Flags meant - so I could TRY to "Emulate" effect in DB where possible.
The trick was really opening the EPR file and trying to get the hang of what kind of data is saved when you use various "export formats".
I think ted is good, there are few bugs that are still being worked out of it but it's one of the better "Canned" system's I've seen where you buy it and can make whatever you want without restrictions placed on you etc.... Object Plament, scaling, rotating, etc.
It IS geared toward Blitz, The much desired Alpha Mapping uses 2 times the poly, and super textures are the best solution - but you need to watch their size or you'll kill your vid card's ram.
I DO LIKE the EPR file format - it is after all almost a mini script - or INI file. My reasons for abandonment were about the Light Mapper Blowing up, seams in prior version - fixed - but if couldn't get it to work - having a all white light map with no seams is moot.
I really was trying to PUSH TED into large terrain stuff - but to utilize the output - it boilds down to Supertextures - and seams - or Nice Alpha Blended - and DOUBLE the poly...
I'm glad you you were able to see some of what it can do - and I believe it's capble of much more. I've seen some Aweomse landscapes done with it - though getting them looking the same way in DarkBasic Pro or DarkGDK is a challenge.