Hello All:
Now that I have Sparky's Collision working, I was trying to build a level in Maya 8.5 with textures.
My question is 2 parts.
1) In the Tutorial Game Level, they load the Universe.DBO which I recall links to the actual images of the objects. This is due to the DBO object format. Then they load the "skybox2.x" as object 2 and they apply a dbSetObjectTexture to it.
The question is: What texture are they applying to it? I don't see where they loaded the texture.
2) What kind of setup would I need to export as a DirectX file and have it load with the textures that I applied in Maya? Meaning if I build a level in Maya, and I export it as DirectX, will I need to dbSetObjectTexture or will the DirectX file read it in such as the "skybox2.x"?
Well, I just applied 2 textures to the DirectX file and had to move them into the same directory and they showed up on the model so that is good!
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