You can make the stairs shorter.
Duplicate a stairs 'FPS' file then open and delete some of the sections of the individual steps in order (say,four of the 9 sections).
I have forgoton which order they work in (top to bottom/visa versa?) so you will have to change the remaining order values of the remaining steps on far left of FPS file and the 'partmax,lastmeshmax' values.
Also you can change the 'position Z' value to bring them all back to fit against a wall when placed.
Below is an example of just 5 steps from FPSCx9.
;Segment Spec
partmax = 4
lastmeshmax = 4
;Segment Parts
partmode0 = 0
meshname0 = meshbank\ww2\france\stairs\solid\stair_d_01.x
offx0 = 0
offy0 = -47
offz0 = -15
rotx0 = 0
roty0 = 270
rotz0 = 0
texture0 = texturebank\******\*your texture*.dds
textured0 =
texturen0 =
textures0 =
transparency0 = 0
effect0 =
colmode0 = 1
csgmesh0 =
csgmode0 = 0
csgimmune0 = 0
lightmode0 = 0
multimeshmode0 = 0
materialindex0 = 4
partmode1 = 0
meshname1 = meshbank\ww2\france\stairs\solid\stair_d_01.x
offx1 = 0
offy1 = -37
offz1 = -5
rotx1 = 0
roty1 = 270
rotz1 = 0
texture1 = texturebank\******\*your texture*.dds
textured1 =
texturen1 =
textures1 =
transparency1 = 0
effect1 =
colmode1 = 1
csgmesh1 =
csgmode1 = 0
csgimmune1 = 0
lightmode1 = 0
multimeshmode1 = 0
materialindex1 = 4
partmode2 = 0
meshname2 = meshbank\ww2\france\stairs\solid\stair_d_01.x
offx2 = 0
offy2 = -27
offz2 = 5
rotx2 = 0
roty2 = 270
rotz2 = 0
texture2 = texturebank\******\*your texture*.dds
textured2 =
texturen2 =
textures2 =
transparency2 = 0
effect2 =
colmode2 = 1
csgmesh2 =
csgmode2 = 0
csgimmune2 = 0
lightmode2 = 0
multimeshmode2 = 0
materialindex2 = 4
partmode3 = 0
meshname3 = meshbank\ww2\france\stairs\solid\stair_d_01.x
offx3 = 0
offy3 = -17
offz3 = 15
rotx3 = 0
roty3 = 270
rotz3 = 0
texture3 = texturebank\******\*your texture*.dds
textured3 =
texturen3 =
textures3 =
transparency3 = 0
effect3 =
colmode3 = 1
csgmesh3 =
csgmode3 = 0
csgimmune3 = 0
lightmode3 = 0
multimeshmode3 = 0
materialindex3 = 4
partmode4 = 0
meshname4 = meshbank\ww2\france\stairs\solid\stair_d_01.x
offx4 = 0
offy4 = -7
offz4 = 25
rotx4 = 0
roty4 = 270
rotz4 = 0
texture4 = texturebank\******\*your texture*.dds
textured4 =
texturen4 =
textures4 =
transparency4 = 0
effect4 =
colmode4 = 1
csgmesh4 =
csgmode4 = 0
csgimmune4 = 0
lightmode4 = 0
multimeshmode4 = 0
materialindex4 = 4
;Segment Visibility
visoverlay = 1
visfloor = -1
visroof = -1
viswallb = -1
viswallr = -1
viswallf = -1
viswalll = -1
viscornertl = -1
viscornertr = -1
viscornerbr = -1
viscornerbl = -1
;Segment Blueprint
mode = 0
symbol = 0
floorsizey = 0
sidesizex = 0
sidesizey = 0
sidesizez = 0
groundmode = 0
kindof = 0