Step By Step Tutorial on Rail Shooter Creating by Gunn3r:
1> Open FPSC and create a new blank map.
2> Goto your entities tab and click on
This will be the "rail" that your player is guided on
EDIT: My texture for the antigravlift was screwed up, so I am using antigravplatform. It works the same way.
3> Hit 'B' to snap to the grid.
4> Place antigravplatform where desired.
5> Right click on the lift
6> Set the following options:
Effect: effectbankcubemapcubemap.fx
Transparency: 1
Speed: 100
IsImmobile: No
Physics On?: No
7> Save this script as Lift3.fpi
;Artificial Intelligence Script
;desc = Follow Waypoints with no rotation and player locked (platform)
;End of Script
Set this script as the AI main
8> Click Apply Changes
9> Goto the markers tab and place a Player Marker on the Lift, but
MAKE SURE YOU HIT PAGE UP A FEW TIMES. If you don't, the game will seem jerky and unresponsive.
10> Right click the Player Marker. Set the Player Speed to 1. This will make it to where the player does not fall off the lift as it travels around. Also, give the player his starting weapon by changing the "Has Weapon" box.
11> Create a waypoint path starting in front of the lift and heading to where you want the level to end. This will be the path that the player is taken throughout the level.
12> Place a Win Zone at the end of your waypoint path so that there is an end to the level.
13> Place entities accordingly.