Currently using Dark GDK with Visual C++ Express, I have currently no prior knowledge of this language (C++, however, I have been a GML coder for 4 years) and have little understanding of the functions.
When I want to animate a sprite, all I have to do is:
dbCreateAnimatedSprite ( 1, "Folder/Filename.png", 10, 1, 1);
dbSprite (1, 0, 0, 1);
dbPlaySprite (1, 1, 10, 100);
This allows me to place my 2D image onscreen at (0x,0y) and animate properly through each frame. I wanted to know if this could also work on a 3D model off of a 2D sprite. I read a topic that you can place a sprite into a 3D object by creating a new plain object.
Here is my code, in addition to the code above.
dbMakeObjectBox (2, 32, 32, 0);
dbTextureObject (2, 1);
What I get is a square (0 depth) with the original PNG of the unanimated edition, meaning the image is 10 subimages long in a short space of 32x,32y square. I was hoping that I could animate the texture like I did with the sprite version.
Is this possible? If so, please teach me.