So far Panabolic, Lucifer, Profit, Grandma, Torsten Sorensen, blobby 101, and Agent Joe have signed up to participate in making a monthly music and sound pack for TGC Forum members.
If anyone else is interested please add you name to the thread. Also please sign up for the MSN Group at:
I'm hoping we can move the bulk of our non-TGC message traffic over there.
UPDATED 1/12/2008
It's on
Discussion has begun on the first theme in MSN Group. We still have some final format decisions to make, but it should happen quickly.
I have combined suggestions from the group feedback so far.
What should we call the music pack?
Three name suggestions so far:
TGC Forum Members Audio Pack
Community Audio Pack: MonthNameHere
TGC Community Audio Pack: MonthNameHere
What do you think the content should be each month?
Combining the ideas so far, it seems we should produce a monthly theme-pack based on game genre because it gives the most flexibility to artists. Often multiple genres of audio will fit.
Each member should contribute no less than 1 piece of audio. That audio could be a song, sound effect or soundscape. However a member could contribute more if they desire.
What should be our preferred file format ?
For audio files 30 seconds of less, WAV format is preferred.
For longer pieces 256k 44k/Stereo format MP3 is preferred.
What about distribution?
If the pack fits in 50 MB or less, we can post it here. If it's greater we can post in chunks. Or, if need be we can find an alternate hosting source.
What about quality control?
To keep things fair and fun, each month we will appoint someone as producer for the monthly pack. The selection process and that persons responsibilites are yet to be determined by the group.
Team meetings
Lucifer has suggested a weekly meeting via MSN, I'm not that familiar with how to do it so maybe Lucifer could spearhead that.
What other things do you all think need to be addressed before me move forward with the first pack?
Thanks for your feedback.