Here is the code
Rem set display mode and window size and position
set display mode 487,350,32
set window size 487,350
set window position 250,250
hide mouse
Rem Load splash animation (splash1.avi)
load animation "animation\splash1.avi",1
play animation 1
Rem delete animation with mouse button 1
while animation playing(1)=1
if mouseclick()=1
stop animation 1
delete animation 1
Rem wait for 1.5 seconds before loading GUI image
wait 1500
Rem clear screen for Program selection GUI
Rem Load main GUI image (background)
load image "Images\matrix_AT menu.png",2
sprite 1,0,0,2
stretch sprite 1,100,95
Rem find mouse cordinates
show mouse
mx= mousex()
my= mousey()
set cursor 100,375
print "Now Editing:" ; "," ; mx ; "," ; my
wait key
This has worked for me in the past, though not this time.
The set up:
I have the window set 487 x 350, image is actually 487 x 300 but added the extra 50 for the usual print to screens that I need while writing this. I have set the cursor to the lower portion of the window and have added the correct code in to return the position of the mouse and to print it to the screen but it doesn't print. When I remove the sprite it will print but it shows that the mouse never moves..
So basically this is what I need help with or at least pointed in
the right direction.
1. Why the mouse cords will not print to the screen
2. Why the text will not show up when the sprite is not "rem'd" out
3. If I add "sync on" "sync rate" it will load the animation but will not show the sprite..
Any help will be greatly appreciated..