collision is more than slightly off. getting near the "blocks" = grief so, i think you should have went with strictly box collision vs what appears to be a polygon collision or multiple boxes. also, the draw distance used (without any fog or alpha fade in, etc) makes things appear right out of thin air = a serious stab at the "submersion" factor. then, when i let myself be overtake by a baddie, and after i was pulled up, it went to the mission screen (white/black "report") and was given choice of restarting or quitting. neither option worked. 1, 2 or any other key would get me "out". had to exit the hard way. (btw, i didn't get to read the report when it first showed (while the enviroment was loading). suggest a "wait key" option once things were loaded so we can move into the game when we want vs as soon as things are loaded up).
overall, the premise is good. the "feel" is more than acceptable (i think hearing my footsteps would have helped, too, or was i floating?). the play itself... well, seeing baddies strafe through solid architecture = bad, to me. and, having to turn and face the opposite direction to get out of a collision bug vs just backing up = twice the frustration.
bottom line: a FPS of the most-basic kind, with work left to do.
Virtual Nomad
AMD XP 1800+ (~1.6 Ghz) / 1.5 GB RAM
ATI Radeon 8700LE 128 MB / Windows XP