It can yes.
But you will need alot of experience with the langauge, alot of spare time and atleast 3 years to make a decent engine to let your game run on.
Then you would still need to aquire all media and such, create quests items add more features to make it intresting and worth playing make a nice combat system etc.
It can be done, but it takes more then just a day to make one. I'd say you have to work on it for 5 years. Cash is working on his RPG. Geisha House, he is working on it for 2-3 years now, and He is not even near finished yet. and that is not an MMORPG, so he doesnt have to code the Server/Client stuff.
Dont think about making an MMORPG before you have made alot of other good games, and alot of experience.