@TJR Games:
I'm with bobert on this one. A lot of the posts you've made on this forum so far are either extremely self-serving or the types of post a sixteen-year-old noob to how the real world works would post. I don't know about the other boards, but this one tends to reward people who at least try on their own as opposed to those who ask all the time.
@Prince of Darkness:
I find it a little ironic that, given your name, you're complaining about the deaths of humans and animals. What exactly would you have us shoot, then? Trees? Oh wait, they're alive too...targets, maybe? The games aren't as fun if you're shooting stationary objects.
@Darkfoil and Seth:
Even though you both have different ways of going about this, this is a major help.
Gemstone Games is now Cornett Media