Just how my model is doing.
Added crooked teeth
Add veins over whole body. (So far part of the legs)
Made paler.
Adjust pupil locations.
Still need to animate.
Just a qustion, how do you tell how many polys something is?
All I know is that it's 1373 veritices and 2504 triangles, is that a lot?
I finished with the veins and all I need to do is animate.
The model is currently 1704 vertexes and 3140 triangles ( I'm not sure if that's a whopping amount or not (Model for FPSC) but it would help if I knew the polys.
I have many, many unused faces and I'm not sure how to get rid of them besides manually. Anyway, here's some screenshots.
I almost forgot, I need to add the veins to the joints so they would move with the animations. Only would take about a couple minutes.
Also, Mod you could move this to the WIP board if you think it is necassary.