First of all, to keep it simple, normal buttons and radio buttons won't be combined on the same form.
For example, the ButtonBar lets you easily create a row, column or grid of buttons on a panel. When you click on one, the number of the button is returned.
Whether it acts as a radio button or a normal button isn't relevant to anything other than how the button behaves on the screen. (Stays down while the previously selected one pops back up - or it pops back up automatically when you release the mouse button).
The same goes for multiple choice radio selectors - you know the type where you have small circles in which a black dot appears in the middle when you select one. When you make your choice, the number of the one selected when you click on the OK button is returned from the function.
Version Release 1.4:
Now including the ButtonBar function. Actually, there are two functions - one to create the ButtonBar:
..and the other to poll it which is placed in your main program loop:
ButtonPressed = ButtonBar_Poll(ButtonBarPosX,ButtonBarPosY,ButtonsAcross,ButtonsDown,32,32,Radio)
See the demo program for more details.