Not a bad model, although a bit unbelievable...
Take a look at the seal skeleton in this picture...
Notice how its center of mass is rather high up in the body (the ripcage) however the organs are laid out similar to a human, whereas the bowels are below the heart/lungs. Seals also have most of their body encased in a thick layer of blubber, only the hands/feet are outside this blubber, this being said, they are rather weak joints. Due to this, a seal shouldnt be able to hold itself up by its hind-joints alone- take a look at this picture...
Dont get me wrong, seals can balance, just not in the way you have it posed, I believe. I've seen shots of seals balancing on their front flippers, but their entire mass is equally distributed over it. Currently, I think your seal would be in the middle of doing a faceplant/bellyflop
Good model, but always remember to research your subject, especially when posing/animating! Looking at the seal skeleton, its very similar to a human, so get up and try to do something before you pose an object. If you can do it, more than likely, it can if it has a humanoid esque skeleton
3D Game Art & Animation Major @
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Maya | Photoshop | CrazyBump