Hey all!
Sorry for this useless thread...but!
Well as the title says...i tried to import a custom segment with a custom mesh.
The problem is...its all flipped?!?
Meaning...one of the axis is turned or something...no matter what i try it just seems to ignore every change in the FPS...and remain flipped.
So my question was:
Are the FPS's changed like have internal coding or such?!?
Or isnt is possible to load custom segments into FPSC X10?
Dont know if anyone tried to load custom segments...but if you did...
Did you expierenced any problem at all?
Provided are screenshots...of the segment (that is flipped)
and one entity...same mesh but only this time saved as a entity.
As you can see the entity acts normal and the segment...well....hmmm...no!
I wanted to release a test-level soon of my game...and it would be
better if i could just use segments instead of ramps or walls that are entities.
Didnt wanted to double post but!
I have tested and tested and tested...and came with a result!
Well i think that the segment editor is still in the beta stage...cause!
When i changed some axis..(y, x, z) it didnt changed the position..no instead of that
it changed the sort of blueprint..(means what sort of segment it is: door, room, wall, etc)
And if i deleted the DBO...and copied the FPS file somewhere else
(X9 didnt had this problem..you just had to delete the DBO and FPSC carried on...while X10 still reads the old DBO settings...so you would have to replace the FPS...or FPE to another location)
changed another axis...this time it did worked (position and such) but!
It was the wrong way...so i had to replace the file again...and change a different axis...and finally! ...no it still didnt worked.
It just changed the blueprint again...
I dont know what the problem is over here...but it seems that the segment stuff could have been improved....
(sorry for this useless information...but its kind of getting frustrating)