OK here goes I wan wanting to do simthign very intersting here.
I have been working on a game for some time now writing it in vb.net 2.0/3.0 with an interesting input control method for the game. I am using speech recognition for the game control. and With incredible sucess I have created a pretty nice engine for handling that input control in vb.net. Now I decided to do this before I started on the graphic because well I figured at the least I could make it limited in the graphics. But then this week I saw DargGDK and decided wow this is easy to minupilate and wow I can do this also gave me a chance to work with c++. But the fact is I am not a c++ developer. I prefer vb.net and trying to access my .net code from c++ was goign to be an issue; then I found lightOrb wow. nice object model. So Now I have decided to go with that but back to Dark GDK!
My Question:
I want to place a graphic on the screen that has 3 locations that are camaras showing different things to the user.
Ok a little more background the game is pretty simple you move around space in a ship, buying and selling products. but instead of moving to 3d cord's the user knows sectors which are esentialy 1000X1000X1000 cubes of graphic points and there are 100X100X100 sectors.
Now the user can probe a sector to see what is there before setting a course to travel to that sector if the ship has a longrange scanner. so One Camara would show the long range scanners View of the Sector and could zoom in and out on objects in that sector. then the main Camara would show the current view from the users ship. and the third would be used for various other Graphics. Which brings up my next question. and maybe I already know one way to do this.
Question Two:
How can I show 3d graphics not related to the same rendering space meaning soemthing like a 3d rotating ship or somethign like that that is really just a view not in the world but outside of it. by the way this is a multiplayer game that users can interact and even deploy fighter ships that will attack the other users ships and so on and so forth. this game is really some that complex but is totally controled via voice except maybe a few functions that are not necessary but allow a little extra fine control.