I feel ya man. It seems everybody wants total gratification from these forums, actually any forums. It's as simple as curiosity at what others think of your idea, model, game, mod, etc. The design of these forums however is a surrogate version of a fpsc help center. Often I look at other's projects that get "ignored" and maybe they'll write a reply to their own post- experiencing and emulating the anger of such ignorance that others cause.
The person may feel attached to their thread, and check it constantly- as a thread is meant to be. But if you check it every say15 mins, thats a minute or two just to look, interrupting your dev pipeline, disrupting your whole project.
For myself, I find I do alot better work if I am focused on the task and not what others think of it here. I may hide my project until completion just to ensure I don't get distracted, then hours of time is lost worrying/checking/answering/presenting info.
What you have to ask yourself is: "Am I more interested in what others think of X or am I interested in finishing X and don't need the constant praise?"
I think it's part of the human pysche to feel the need to show off, but creativity/creation itself is lost when the need to show off takes over the creational spirit.