At the time I did Dungeon Odyssey the developer Malfador Machinations was looking to use my 2D 32x32 tiles. I was at that time making an isometric version of the terrain tiles. He liked the look and we went with a combination of the Iso terrain and the 2D monsters/players. Given the number of monster/player tiles I made, it would not have been possible for me to create animated versions of each player/monster sprites.
That said, there is a 2D game out there called Lost Labyrinth
it uses a simple technique if having the player/monster sprites 'jump' when they attack. I find this to be a very effective technique to display the illusion of animation.
Anyways, it's worth looking at laby to get the idea. I am not now, or anytime soon planning on creating animated RPG tiles.
Feel free to modify or edit my tiles as you see fit.