So I've been trying for a while to get animation to work in Dark Basic from Blender, with no success.
BUT! *A light shines*, I realized I was using Dark Basic 1.055, and the newest is 1.066.
Curious, I download the new version, do the annoying cd verification for the first time in like 3 years, re-compile...and..LO! The model animates! Beautifully even xD.
All I did was use the default Blender 2.41 direct x exporter than comes with Blender 2.45, for settings choose "Anim, Swap ZY, Flip Z, BL.Normals, and Export All" I had the mesh and the armature selected, with the mesh as the active selection. I dunno if that matters or not. My bone names were "Base, propa, propb, propc, propd", with Weight values of 1.0. All vertices were assigned to a group and bone, all bones had baked keyframes. My armature was composed of 4 bones, one in the middle with four bones parented to it (it was a quad-copter model). Oh, and also I applied the scale and rotation to both my mesh and my armature, so that their locations, rotations, and scale were all 0.0, 1.0 for the scale.
Then after waiting for a full moon, I exported and it DIDN'T work with DBPro 1.055 but after upgrading to 1.066 it DID work. xD
Hopefully that will help you. I've noticed also that if you keep re-exporting and replacing the same .x file, the file starts getting corrupted, so you have to delete the file each time before you export again. A minor inconvenience.
Good luck! I'm off to spread the good news to my team-mates!
This is a random sentence about squirrels.