Ok - Make a model viewer - REMEMBER animations are not "Fixed" they are transitional.
You can set a start frame of 2.5 for example.
Make a model viewer that loads/displays model, and allows you to step thorugh animations by various increments/decrements (forward back...
Like a PRO Video machine that can play movies forward and backwards at any speed.
You may find that looping from 1.8 to 5.6 gives much smoother results then say from 1 thru 6.
Also - Use timer based animation - not the loopy thing.
Expriment with how much of the animation should happen per second.. divide by 1000, then multiply result * timeelapsed
(TimeElapsed = NewTimer - OldTimer)
Note - if time elapsed = 0 I do nothing nor store this because eventually I'll get at least a milli second. Other people use a OS time function to get finer resolution of the clock - I'm not that anal about it.
Good Luck! (respond for more detail if your still stuck - so I get email - but I won't write the model viewer for you - but I may have some old one kicking around I use - but its home brew and not elegant - but explains things a little)
Shoot - here - Attached is a zip of mine - you'll need to look at the code - I have hardcoded "Models" - I never bothered with a loader dialog window - just get the dir right, and learn the key presses.
Hope this helps - NO it's not DarkGDK - but same principles apply.