1: I gave you code that does it
2: there is a little trick for that - and I can understand why you might be like ? HUH? There must be an Easier Way...
See if you can get it from this - its not so bad - objAngleFinder is simply an Object I have hidden all the time to do junk like this with:
X#=camera position x(0)
Y#=camera position y(0)
Z#=camera position z(0)
position object gc.objAngleFinder,X#,Y#,Z#
Move camera 10 ` Now Move Our Tank n Turret Aligned cam fwd temporarily
` Point our anglefinder to our tank aligned aligned camera
Point object gc.objAngleFinder, camera position x(0),camera position y(0), camera position z(0)
` Align our dude's head in this case to our world aligned angles
` He has head oreiented upright - Not tank based.
xa# = object angle x(gc.objAngleFinder)
ya# = object angle y(gc.objAngleFinder)
za# = object angle z(gc.objAngleFinder)
rotate camera xa#,ya#,za#
position camera x#,y#,Z# ` Put camera back