Not heard of it, but with regards to the 'forum attitude' comment, it's just we like things clean, thus everything thread needs a purpose...we're not pedantic gits, we just try to enforce the AUP as much as possible to keep this a happy and decent place...sometimes the point is easily misinterpreted and some people do get picky about it...but ignore them.
For the price and something I've never heard of, I'm doubtful, but now I'm looking it up...Now I realise it's a game/3d engine, and I might add that there are a lot of game/3d engines of the sort, and it's a good idea to get a feel around them.
I prefer running from DBP as a programming language, but if it's an engine you're after then my only advice is to pick up the demos, try to learn them and see where you get.
There are also good engines for educational solutions, Blink 3D looks up to the job, as are other engines, personally speaking I like NeoAxis...but it's worth trying to experiment as people work differently and prefer different things.
Also most engines of that quality tend to be around the price, the more 'pro' ones are higher in price.
And not having played with engines in depth I can't give any in depth advice, as I've always come back to DBP (thus I am building my own engine in it)
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