That did it!!!!
Sorry for triple post guys - I do it so you "watchers" get email updates.
Ok that works - next on list is a test of Physics in DarkGDK with the change meshy
(Monotonic - you still rock!)
Any ways (side note)- here is my current list of missing GDK definitions (and a missing function thanx to Lost in Thought:
// DarkGDK Missing Declarations
int __cdecl dbCameraExist(int);
int __cdecl dbGet3DMathsExist(int);
int __cdecl dbSetBlendMappingOn(int,int,int,int);
int __cdecl dbDLLCallExist(int,unsigned long);
void __cdecl dbLoadDLL(unsigned long,int);
float dbObjectSizeX ( int iID, int iUseScaling );
float dbObjectSizeY ( int iID, int iUseScaling );
float dbObjectSizeZ ( int iID, int iUseScaling );
// DarkGDK Missing Functions
//float __cdecl dbGetMatrix4Element(int,int);//Experimental--nope didn't work.
float GetMatrix4Element( int Matrix, int Element );// LIT Workaround
Missing Function:
float GetMatrix4Element( int Matrix, int Element ){
float res = 0.0;
D3DXMATRIX mat = dbGetMatrix(Matrix);
if (Element>=0 && Element<=15) res = mat[Element];
return res;
[edit]uploaded pic of scaled down heli - and using the darkgdk undoc'd actual size stuff monotonic found. Thanx man. Still need to check physics in DarkGDK - but progress definate progress.
[edit2]Physics does NOT respect Fix Object Pivot in DarkGDK - At least not after the whole change mesh thing.
Also - you see the pic right - Object Position + Collision Center = Perfect Alignment - my homemade bounding box is EXACTLY around the object.
When I add Physics - it Looks great (Less the whole Fix Pivot thing - (I dropped Fix Pivot deal - just rotate object - so its at leas tcorrect lookign ) any way - Its all aligned Perfect. Where the Object GOES - I can make my Bounding Box Go. EXCEPT when I smack it with a force - then the object position + Collision Center thing doesn't place it in the box... Its as if the Heli gets bumped OUT the bounding box - even though the bounding box is simpley going where the coord are fgor the help.... Like the heli will be half out the box after I ram it with a force - or two heli's slam into each other.
Its not the end of the world - my bounding boxes are a visual (for debugging) the frustrum culling. But its not SPOT ON - that bugs me. I could get glitches where heli disappears before its off screen. I can live but it looks bad depending on whats going on - picture a running soldger - disapeearing cuz frustrum culling code thought he left screen already but he didn't he was just CLOSE.
Ugh... definate progress - far from 100%