I have searched a bit on the forums but can't seem to find what is wrong.
First, I load all the sounds.
dbLoad3DSound ( "media\\sound\\Earth slow.wav" , 1 );
dbLoad3DSound ( "media\\sound\\Earth fast.wav" , 2 );
Then, for every update i position them and position the listener.(I use third person)
dbPositionSound(1, dbObjectPositionX(1), dbObjectPositionY(1), dbObjectPositionZ(1));
dbPositionSound(2, dbObjectPositionX(1), dbObjectPositionY(1), dbObjectPositionZ(1));
dbPositionListener(dbCameraPositionX(0), dbCameraPositionY(0), dbCameraPositionZ(0));
dbRotateListener(dbObjectPositionX(1), dbObjectPositionY(1), dbObjectPositionZ(1));
First, I want to position the sound to the place of my character, as it is his walking sound. Then position the listener, and rotate the listener to be facing the character, as the camera is.
But as I walk arround, the sound seems to be coming from different places. If I walk to one place, it's from the left and one place from the right. It should be the same, no matter where I am in the map. What am i doing wrong?
Seems to me like the sound isn't moving along with the characters. Any ideas?