function doNarrate(narrx,narry,txtvalue$)
`find out how long and high the text will be
`so can make a nice sized button
`here we also find the next available object number
len1 = Text width(txtvalue$) + 25
hei1 = Text height(txtvalue$) + 15
off1# = 12.5
off2# = 7.5
`creates a blank bitmap off the screen
create bitmap 5, len1+2, hei1+2
ink RGB(192,192,192),0
`paint a box off screen on the new bitmap, grab it as an image
`then set the curr bitmap back to 0, paste image to screen and then
`clear up by deleting the current bitmap
box 0,0,len1,hei1,200,0,0,200
get image 5,0,0,len1,hei1
set current bitmap 0
paste image 5,narrx,narry
Delete image 5
Text narrx+off1#, narry+off2#, txtvalue$
thats my function, then in my loop im just:
doNarrate(1,40,"Welcome welcome..")
doNarrate(1,1,Str$(Screen FPS()))
-yes, just realised, calling a function that creates bitmaps on the fly is really not a good way of doing it - sorry for wasting your time. heh one of them stupid mistakes