As many of you (cough) are aware, i own a group called YFPSD (Young FPS Developers)
And unfortunately, my current project is goin down the toobs.
The reason being my splash screen.
For those of you who don't know what a splash screen is, it is a mini video at the start of a game showing the game was made/developed/created/published by the company/group shown on the video. An example of a splash screen is the famous Ubisoft logo.
You know, the one where the ball thing zooms out through some sort of thing then the word "Ubisoft" pops up?
Anyway, the point im trying to get to is...
Im making a competition in which anyone from the forums can enter, the task is to create a splash screen for YFPSD which will used in CodeRack, and future titles for YFPSD.
Of course its not a case "Gimme that! Mwhahaha! Its my splash now! No credit for you!" Your forum name will be registered into each title, and the winner and runner ups recieve a prize.
1st Place: CodeRack: Alteration, Puzzle Pack and Credit
2nd Place: CodeRack: Alteration
3rd Place: Endangered City
Winners will be announced on a different thread (This one if requested) And the points will be shown for the winner, runner ups and Participants.
Anyone willing to enter the contest, please ask in a post, and I will add to the list. Entries must be sent in a ZIP or RAR, not as a single file, because you must include these contents in the ZIP/RAR:
Contest.txt (Write a short summary of the video, and include your forum name.)
Uploading to file sharing sites are now permitted, since a number of complaints about file size and attaching are preventing me from seeing them, now, if you want, you can email me with the link to your video on a fileshare site. Email me at
List of Participants:
The source image for YFPSD is on the website:
EDIT: Neither CodeRack: Alteration nor The Puzzle Pack are currently finished, the winners will recieve the prizes in an email once the games have been publicly released.