Hello is me again, like I promised before, I would post a tutorial on how to make your 3d animated characters to use in your games.
First create a new folder and name it, all the files related to the game are going to go in there.
1.- Download the skeletal system made by Disturbing 13(thank him, not me.)
2.- Fire up Milkshape 3d, create your mesh AROUND the sketal system, you can create your mesh in your own 3d model
aplication, maya, 3ds max, I use carrara 3d and save it in .obj format, then import it in milkshape 3d, DO NOT MODIFY
THE ANIMATION IN ANY WAY, or it will not animate correctely, you can add more animations at the end and that is about it, assign the vertices to the correct bones, then texture it.
3.- Use the setting that I provided to export to .x file
4.- You can make your own fpe file or copy and paste one from the FPS Creator.
You can use notepad or whatever text editor you like.
You can find them under:
Program Files/The Game Creators/ FPS Creator/Files/entitybank/scifi/characters
I used the one for AI, they are all preety much the same. I made a sniper character. If you want a grenade thrower,
use the one for that, etc.
Here is the fpe file for the Character AI(sniper) character
desc = ai (sniper)
aiinit = appear1.fpi
aimain = peoplecautious10.fpi
aidestroy = destroyfadecorpse.fpi
aishoot = peoplesnipe10.fpi
soundset = robotic
spawnmax = 0
spawndelay = 0
spawnqty = 0
model = AI.X
offx = 0
offy = 0
offz = 0
rotx = 0
roty = 0
rotz = 0
scale = 80
fixnewy = 180
;cone of sight
coneheight = 53
coneangle = 50
textured = ai_1_D2.tga
effect = effectbankbumpbonebumpbone.fx
castshadow = 0
decalmax = 2
decal0 = red
decal1 = sparks
;identity details
strength = 100
ischaracter = 1
hasweapon = scifitavor
isobjective = 0
cantakeweapon = 1
;bodypartslimbinfo (1=head/2=body/3+4=armslr/5+6=legslr)
limbmax = 0
animmax = 100
anim0 = 190,209
anim1 = 210,234
anim2 = 235,259
anim3 = 260,279
anim4 = 280,299
anim5 = 300,318
anim6 = 319,355
anim7 = 160,189
anim11 = 0,19
anim12 = 20,39
anim13 = 493,522
anim14 = 40,59
anim15 = 60,79
anim16 = 523,552
anim17 = 120,139
anim18 = 140,159
anim20 = 80,99
anim21 = 100,119
anim31 = 356,380
anim32 = 381,405
anim33 = 381,405
anim34 = 381,405
anim35 = 381,405
anim36 = 406,442
anim40 = 443,462
anim41 = 463,492
anim50 = 553,572
anim51 = 573,597
anim52 = 598,622
anim53 = 623,642
anim54 = 643,662
anim55 = 663,681
anim56 = 682,731
anim57 = 160,189
anim61 = 0,19
anim62 = 20,39
anim63 = 822,911
anim64 = 40,59
anim65 = 60,79
anim66 = 912,941
anim67 = 120,139
anim68 = 140,159
anim70 = 80,99
anim71 = 100,119
anim81 = 732,756
anim82 = 757,781
anim83 = 757,781
anim84 = 757,781
anim85 = 757,781
anim86 = 782,831
anim90 = 832,851
anim91 = 852,881
For your pursuse you are going to change a few things in this file, to work with your model
under ;header, desc =your character description, example mycharacter(sniper)
under ;orientation, model =your character's name.x
under ;visualinfo, textured =your texture's name.tga
That is it, now save it as .fpe and save in the game's folder.
Now you need to create a thumb nail for your model. I do it this way, you can use whatever you have ot anyway you want.
I load milkshape 3d, load my model, and maximized the 3d view, move it around until I like the position, then press
Print Screen key on the keyboard. Get out of Milkshape 3d, load photoshop and create a new image, then just press CTRL+V
to paste it. Then crop the image, resize it, then save it as .BMP in the folder previously created for my game.
General Information:
All the files have to be in the same folder.
Texture size maximun is 512x512 pixels. I like 256x256(medium)
The texture muxt be a .tga format
The thumbnail must be 64x64 pixels and .BMP format
You will end up in the same folder with:
1 .fpe
1 .x
1 .BMP
1 .tga
If you use notepad to save the .fpe file you do it like this:
Open notepad, type the file (or copy and paste, the lazy way), modify it, then click on File/Save as..., then click on
Save as Type: and sellect All Files, then click on File Name:, then type the file name and add .fpe at the end( example
mygame.fpe) then select where you want to save and click on SAVE.
you have to copy the game folder to FPS Creator core system. You can copy it to the user folder or scifi or whatever you want.
Then just load FPS Creator, go where you saved the file, select it like like you would the others, and enjoy your new character.
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