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Program Announcements / ULTIMA IV

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Posted: 30th Jun 2003 06:59

Finally finished this huge undertaking!

Just like the original, except for newer (optional) tilesets and same storyline. Fully customisable with a editor for everything.

Also on the site are various other games I made

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Posted: 1st Jul 2003 18:16
I went to your site, but didn't understand a thing: is this the complete U4 + additiona adventures?

In this case you did an awesome job.

And is a shame that one of the few finished games in DB, and probably one of the most complex game written in DB has still not received any reply in this topic!

Congrats man!

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Posted: 1st Jul 2003 18:22
Thanks, this took 2 years to write - and made a bit easier due to many fans out there willing to help decode the data structures of the original game. Although I am the coder, there were others who helped in other aspects. Ultima IV is a real good game, and I sure hope there are some who still remember...

This version is true to the original story line but the real nice feature is ability to add-on custom storylines and quests - including being able to edit and modify about anything.


Breaking new Boundaries....
Shadow Robert
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Posted: 1st Jul 2003 20:35
downloading... please wait...

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Posted: 5th Jul 2003 22:10
A great game. Thanks!

John H
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Posted: 5th Jul 2003 23:08
Ooooo must try this one (never tried Ultima)


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Posted: 5th Jul 2003 23:51
your efforts are much appreciated...
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Posted: 9th Jul 2003 06:35
That is impressive dude.

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Posted: 19th Jul 2003 20:52
this game was how I found out about Dark Basic last fall almost a year ago, searching for freeware rpg's on the web. nice job!
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Posted: 21st Jul 2003 00:31
Well done Teffo! Ultima 4 is one of my favorite rpgs of all time. Thankyou for recreating it, I've only barely played into it but its held true to the original game so far. There did seem to be a glitch in the gypsy card picking part of the intro though. The final choice for my character should have been between Honesty and Valor but instead it was between Honesty and Compassion. But ah well. Good work ^_^.

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