I use this on my server to have running status display.
At anywhere in the code you want something added to the status you call it with,
SysWindow("This variable is : "+str$(thisVariable))
In your main loop just call this function with
and it doesn't shift anything up, but allows you to put it all out to screen again for the sync. The second loop is what prints the contents of the array. It starts printing at line 7 because I have other stuff in my main loop that gets printed above that.
global dim SysWindow$(35) as string
function SysWindow(msg$ as string)
` if there is a message to add, move everything up in the array
if msg$ <> ""
for x = 1 to 33
SysWindow$(x) = SysWindow$(x+1)
next x
` add the current message to the bottom
SysWindow$(34) = msg$
` Print the array to the screen
for x = 7 to 40
text 10,x*10,SysWindow$(x-6)
next x