This is a very simple tool I quickly cooked up for Fighting Through Darkness.
Basically you fly around a level you specified and place objects you loaded in. I only have a barrel and untextured box right now but its still useful to get a bunch of object positions without having to trial and error it in your app.
The positions are then saved into a .txt file so you can use them in a different app.
My knowledge of data files in DBPro is limited so its very simple.
Feel free to add to it and improve it anyway you want its just a dead project of mine really and anyone wanting to use it for any reason feel free.
When you start it you must enter the name of your level object (the included level is "universe.dbo") and then enter the height you want the camera to start on the y axis (in the included levels case "500") the level will then be loaded and collision applied.
I'm sure there are much better apps out there that do the same thing with better results but I could never find one, so here it is for whatever reason you may want it.
To compile you will need NGC, but i'm sure it could be easily converted to sparkys if desired.
W,A,S,D to move
Mouse to look
Scroll mouse whell to Increase/Decrease camera speed
Right click to control camera
Middle mouse button to change object
Link: Very Simple Level Editor
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