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Joined: 4th Sep 2002
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Posted: 5th Sep 2002 04:22
Hi most of you now me as Dreamstalker thought id say hello and ask how much more advanced are the multiplayer code to dbv1 i need to no wether its worth using the in language code or if just to develope my own please say its not peer to peer.

Succession The Betrayal Developer
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Joined: 26th Aug 2002
Location: United Kingdom
Posted: 5th Sep 2002 12:32
Its whatever DirectPlay is...

I think knowing about DirectPlay is irrelivent for DarkBasicPro

Yes, I really am THAT good...
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Joined: 2nd Sep 2002
Posted: 5th Sep 2002 21:46
My understanding is they have client/server functionality dbellis. I should be getting my copy next week and can further let you know if you can wait that long on how versitile the multiplayer code is. I will be trying to use DBPro's multiplayer functionality for the client/frontend, to interface with my own code for the server side stuff.


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