Ok, so I had my PC working on a 40 gb hard-drive.
It used to have Windows 98SE on it, and when I told it to shut-down it physically turned the PC off, which was damned handy. Then I upgraded to Win XP Home using an upgrade disk, and suddenly it didn't do this anymore, instead telling me "It is now safe to turn off your computer" or something to that effect. I accepted that it worked in a different way and that I would just have to turn it off manually. I happily did this for a good six months or so.
Anyways it started to play up, and was full of rubbish, bad sectors and spyware so I decided to reformat the hard-drive.
Whilst doing this I decided to take the opportunity to buy a new 80Gb hardrive and slave it, installing my operating system and programs to the old smaller hard-drive, and media to the new larger one, thus speeding the pc up and giving me more storage space and better backup opportunities.
I reinstalled Win 98SE on the 40gb drive as master, then upgraded it straight away to XPHome. All works fine, the strange behaviour being that now XP has no qualms about turning my pc off when I tell it too
I'm certainly not complaining, but has anybody got any clues as to why? I would be less confused if I had installed the operating system on the new drive
Bunnies aren't just cute like everybody supposes, They got them hoppy legs & twitchy little noses,
And what's with all the carrots? What do they need such good eyesight for anyway?